Pet Licensing in Yolo County
All dogs residing in Yolo County must be vaccinated for rabies and a Yolo County Animal Control Dog License must be purchased at 4 months of age or within 10 days of acquiring a new dog. Licenses are yearly.
New residents to Yolo County must comply with the dog licensing ordinance within 30 days of residency.
In order to license your pet, you must have proof of current rabies vaccination. You can get the rabies vaccine from your local veterinarian or a vaccine clinic. Here are some vaccine clinics near you. Licenses can be purchased up until the year of the rabies expiration.
A rabies tag is separate from a license tag. The issuer of the rabies tag will not license your pet. It is the owner's responsibility to license their pet with the County.
Cat licensing is optional. Additional fees will be charged for a late license.
Dog/Cat Licensing Prices
One Year
Two Year
Three Year
Pet Licensing Options
Pay Your License Online = >
You can pay for your new or renewal of your license online at
If your license is due for renewal, you will be given the option to purchase an additional replacement tag ($10) if needed.
Pay Your License By Mail =>
Download/Print the license application form and mail it with your payment to the address on the form. Remember to include a copy of the vaccination and spay / neuter certificate, if applicable. We accept checks and money orders for mailed payments.
Payable to:
Yolo County Animal Services
Yolo County Animal Shelter
140C Tony Diaz Drive, Woodland, CA 95776
Pay Your License In Person/By Phone
You may purchase a pet license six days a week at the Yolo County Animal Services Shelter located at 140C Tony Diaz Drive, Woodland, CA .
You can pay for a renewal of your license over the phone if we already have a copy of your current rabies vaccination.
We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express and checks, and cash for in-person payments.
Licensing Department Contact Information
Phone: (530) 668-5287 ext 4
Monday - Friday : 10am - 5pm
Saturday: 10am - 4pm
Fax: (530) 668-5288
Pet Licensing

Has Anything Changed For Your Current License?
Updating Your Pet's Record When You Move
It is important that we have your most current address and phone number in our database. If you move or change phone numbers, please call our office or send us an email at and we will update the information in your pet(s) records.
It is important especially if you move outside the county limits, to notify us immediately. We will then inactivate your pet(s) record and will not send you renewal notices in the future. If you move outside the limits of your current licensing jurisdiction, you must purchase a pet license in the jurisdiction in which you reside. Make sure to give the new licensing office your pet's microchip number (if applicable) for their database.
Lost, Stolen, Given Away, or Deceased Pets
If your pet becomes lost, stolen, given away, or is now deceased, please send us an email to let us know as soon as possible. We will update the pet record immediately.
Transferring Ownership of a Pet
If you relinquish ownership of your pet to someone else who resides within our licensing jurisdiction, our office will need your authorization to transfer the pet to the new owner. This can be done in person at the Yolo County Animal Shelter or via mail/email with a handwritten letter and a copy of the driver's license of the original owner.
If you are the new owner and you reside in Yolo County, please complete an Animal License Application Form and send this completed form, the authorization of the transfer, and a check to our office, or visit us in person.
Licenses cannot be transferred from person to person and a new license will be issued when pets are transferred between owners.
Why License Your Pet?
Benefits of Licensing
Even though dog licenses are required for all Yolo County dogs ages 4 months and older by law, there are many other benefits to licensing your pet.
If your dog is ever missing, a license tag provides a quick and accurate way of notifying you if someone else finds your pet. It also provides proof that your dog has been vaccinated against rabies.
Animals found wearing identification are more likely to find their way home than animals without. Animal Services will contact you by phone or mail if your pet comes to the shelter wearing a valid license.
With our new PetHub Digital License tags, your pet will have a much better chance of being reunited with you without ever having to enter the shelter.
Animals at the shelter wearing identification are held longer and the shelter staff makes every attempt to contact and reunite the owner with the animal.
The fee for reclaiming your dog if it is brought to the shelter is reduced if the dog is current on rabies vaccinations and licensing.
PetHub License Tags
Yolo County Animal Services is working with PetHub to provide new Digital License Tags for all new licenses or renewal licenses that are upgraded. What does that mean for you and your pet? In addition to the shelter having information to return your lost pet to you, you will have access to additional free services through PetHub to help reunite your pet if they become lost. Go to PetHub’s website for more information.
Already have the new license tag?
Register it now to have access to all of the free benefits!